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Ned's Corner Part 1

Several members of the Field Nats booked in for 2 nights at Ned's Corner Station in far north-west Victoria during late May.

Ned's Corner is the star in the crown of Trust for Nature's conservation properties in Victoria, being the largest and also the largest freehold property. Details for Neds Corner :

From the sandhill, Ned's Corner Station stretches as far as you can see.The road in feels to be made of corrugated iron

The 74,000acre property is mostly chenopod shrubland with native pine belts and of course the magnificent Black Box and Redgum woodlands along the Murray River.

Its long history saw it grazed to bare dirt, its mid-storey destroyed and rabbits, rabbits, rabbits!

Trust for Nature bought it in 2002 and 16 years of intensive conservation works- revegetation, direct seeding, removing old fences and stock troughs, removing weeds and tackling the rabbits, foxes and cats has seen it start to return to its natural state. Bare dirt still surrounds an old post and sheep and cattle tracks are obvious in this hard, harsh country

Looking across the regenerating shrublands at the back of the shearers' quarters towards the very distant Millewa Ridge, just visible as a thin blue haze on the left horizon.

The old homestead, cottages and shearers' quarters have been restored for accommodation for the many volunteers who arrive for all sorts of projects including bird, mammal, reptile, insect, cultural history and archeological surveys. Shearers' Quarters are still being restored after a white ant attack but those repaired are very comfortable despite their external appearance.

Arriving at 2pm after a very early start, the week-long clouds cleared away and gave us 3 days worth of beautiful cool but sunny weather and 2 clear but very cold nights. A very big River Redgum and 3 very small Field Nats at its base.

Checking the watering system for the new plantings on the sand ridge with Colleen Barnes- L to R Chris, Russell, Colleen, Anne and Joy.

In the shearers' kitchen with the original IXL stove and bread oven still in place.

Chris, Russell and his friend Ed, Kyle (Weed Warrior for Ned's and Parks Vic) and Joy.

All mod cons, including refrigeration and air con are driven by a massive solar system backed up with a diesel generator.

The old Dunlite wind generator is still in place but retired from active service now.(Old homestead to right and various river vessels)

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